Campground in Niederkrüchten

Your front yard will be transformed into a beautiful tent site with bathroom and kitchen access. Your guests can sleep in their own tents or take advantage of our large, family-friendly tent house that comfortably sleeps 10! A new experience awaits - your backyard becomes a camping paradise for all who come near it! Too shy? Our cozy cabin has enough room for whatever size group you bring; there's even an optional pet area if someone brings Fido. Let us help make your dreams come true this summer by transforming what used to be just another place on earth into something completely different: A campground where unwanted grass turns green again, while trees provide shade from the hot sun and everyone gathers around the fire pit¹

Campground in NiederkrüchtenNiederkrüchten

Tent possibility in the large garden, access to bathroom and kitchen.


Read more on 1NITE TENT


Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.

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