Campground in Mauth

- Large garden in the countryside (very quiet) - Electricity and drinking water available - Campfire/grill available, pets can also come along. Various shopping facilities about 1 km away; parking on the meadow is no problem for hikers with car or motorcycle.¹

Campground in MauthMauth

- Large garden in the country (very quiet)
- Electricity and drinking water available
- Campfire/grill available
- Pets can also come along
- Various shopping facilities approx. 1 km
- Parking on the ...

Read more on 1NITE TENT


Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.

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145 km entfernt:Wir heißen dich willkommen im Almdorado! Bei uns auf der Alm sagt man „Du“ – vielleicht weil man hier etwas herzlicher und mit allem im Einklang ist. Es gibt wohl keinen anderen Ort
Zelten zwischen Chiemsee und Alpen

Campspace, from 10 €
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