Tent site for two to three tents in Emden/East Frisia

We are looking for people with tents, trailers or porters to visit us. Our backyard offers a perfect place in Emden where you can camp under the stars and enjoy the beauty of nature! Kids of all ages (and their pets) are welcome too; we want this place to be something special that everyone visits every year - no matter what your background.... It doesn't matter if it rains, because there is plenty of space in our house, which consists of two levels: the first level consists entirely of¹

Tent site for two to three tents in Emden/East FrisiaEmden

Tent site for two to three tents in Emden/East Frisia

Please only with current coronatest on arrival in Emden or fully vaccinated.

We offer space for up to three tents in our garden (approx. 800 squ...

Read more on ZeltzuHause

ZeltzuHause, from 15 €

Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on ZeltzuHause applies.

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