Camping in Holstein

Camp in a garden with cozy nooks, bike and hike through beautiful Holstein; swim in our village pool or shower outside. You'll have plenty of modern amenities just steps from your campsite, like hot showers inside or outdoor fire pits to keep you warm on chilly evenings! We are also happy to welcome guests into our home for tea time if they prefer not to sleep under the stars, but would rather have some company instead! We are tolerant, open-minded people who would like to share what we love most about life: spending it surrounded by the beauty of nature without sacrificing any comfort.¹

Camping in HolsteinHanerau-Hademarschen

Camping in the garden with many cozy corners. Cycling and hiking in the beautiful Holstein. Swimming pool in the village.
Outdoor shower and bucket toilet in the garden, hot shower and toilet in the h...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 9 €

Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

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