Meadow with view of Schleswigholstein Switzerland 2

Are you looking for a private, idyllic campsite in Germany? Then the meadow with a view of Schleswigholstein Switzerland is just the thing! This beautiful campsite is located in Pronstorf and offers a magnificent view of the Eidersperrwerk and the NOK ferry Hohenhörn. It's also just 19 km from the beautiful city of Lübeck, making it the perfect base for exploring the region. So don't wait any longer - book your stay on the meadow with a view of Schleswigholstein Switzerland today!¹

Meadow with view of Schleswigholstein Switzerland 2Pronstorf

Hello Dear guests, we would like to offer you this way a parking space on our house paddock. The paddock is easily accessible via our paved driveway and is located only 40m from the main road. From th...

Read more on Stadt Land Bus Camping

Stadt Land Bus Camping, from 13,50 €

Suitable for 

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Stadt Land Bus Camping applies.

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