Overgrown garden in the Oder/Spree lake district

Welcome to my meadow, where you will have a peaceful stay in the countryside with your loved one. My home is located on the Oder/Spree Lake canal and offers breathtaking views for nature lovers - including kingfishers, swans, beavers and more! You can hike or bike around our property and also explore nearby towns anytime - we're conveniently close to some of Germany's most beautiful lakes like Katjasee, which offer flat sandy beaches for kids.¹

Overgrown garden in the Oder/Spree lake districtGroß-Lindow

Welcome to my child- and dog-friendly meadow of my cottage in a small village on the canal in the middle of the lake landscape Oder/Spree where you can watch kingfishers, swans and beavers, and wonder...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 29 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

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