Tent site to RV site in the fall fruit meadow #3

The cultural monument Neuseenmühle is about 30 km away from Leipzig. The Fallobstwiese belongs directly to the Neuseenmühle and is located on the Schnauderbach, one of the last idyllic places that have been spared from the Lippendorf open pit mine. On weekends, parties are always held at this place, so there may be noise on Saturday evenings, but a visit is worth it, because nature can not resist such beauty!¹

Tent site to RV site in the fall fruit meadow #3Groitzsch

The cultural monument Neuseenmühle is about 30 km away from Leipzig. The fall fruit meadow belongs directly to the Neuseenmühle and is located at the brook Schnauder. The nature reserve Schnauderaue i...

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AlpacaCamping, from 20 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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