Soesteheim directly on the river Soeste #1

A place where you can let off steam, make new friends and relax with the family. The site is located right on the outskirts of Friesoythe in a valley, surrounded by lots of greenery and rivers that are perfect for fishing or canoeing. Thanks to our large group house, the cottage/tent area for up to 150 people and the beach volleyball court, you'll always have someone to talk to! There's also plenty of room for kids who want their own tent, so they don't feel left out of all the fun We offer tents for up to 150 people, which makes it easier if you're traveling abroad without kids, because no one will feel left behind! We provide showers that are stocked with fresh¹

Soesteheim directly on the river Soeste #1Friesoythe

The pitch is located directly on the outskirts of Friesoythe, surrounded by greenery and the river Soeste. Showers, toilets, electricity, Wi-Fi, fresh water is available. Disposal of grey water witho...

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Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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