Private place in 35088 Battenberg (Eder)

The meadow on the edge of our village is a natural oasis where you can enjoy many activities. It has little shade, but it is level ground and there are no sanitary facilities when we are not at home! Amenities include bicycles that can be rented nearby, as well as hiking trails such as the Ederradweg or Lahntalradweg that will take you through charming villages on your journey. You'll also find an art trail with beautiful works from Battenberg that you can visit along the way if you need some culture before heading back out into nature! There are two other things worth mentioning: Donations are accepted and hang gliding classes are also offered in town!¹

Private place in 35088 Battenberg (Eder)35088 Battenberg (Eder)

Meadow on the outskirts 1

The conditions


The places

Little shade
Flat terrain
Womo,s up to 8meter

The sanitary facilities

Unfortunately no V+E when we are not at home.

The equipment


Read more on HomeCamper

HomeCamper, from 10 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on HomeCamper applies.

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