Pitch in Tangstedt #1

We are a dairy farm with 400 animals in the Upper Alster lowlands just outside Hamburg. We offer a wide view, fresh air, good hiking opportunities and many other activities such as farmers markets to participate in on Saturday or Sunday! The Alster (river) runs through a nature reserve here. You can hike cross country, but you are not allowed to canoe -the entry point is 1 km from Kayhude, for those who want to try--The site is not too far from our buildings, which we have an excellent view of; there is even space in the back if you want some solitude while enjoying all that this place has to offer: Cow barns & milking houses surround us like¹

Pitch in Tangstedt #1Tangstedt

We are a dairy farm with 400 animals in the Oberalsterniederung just outside Hamburg. We offer a wide view, fresh air, good walking opportunities, a variety of birds and the Alster River behind the fa...

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Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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