Without superlatives. Without ifs and buts. More beautiful than in the catalog. Directly on the lake.

In the heart of Holstein Switzerland, at the gates of Eutin, lies the Prinzenholz nature park campsite. Small, fine and personal, it offers peace-seekers the opportunity to escape everyday life for a while or simply discover the great love they have always had - camping! Together with your pet(s), family members or friends you can enjoy our many amenities like:¹

Without superlatives. Without ifs and buts. More beautiful than in the catalog. Directly on the lake.29 Stellplätze Willkommen auf unserem Naturcamping in Ostseenähe Schöner als im Katalog. Direkt am See. Eine sonnige Lichtung. Beschützt von Wald. Berauschend ruhig. Herzlich gepflegt. Einfach und natürlich schön. Unser Lieblingsplatz. Euer Urlaub. Der Naturcamping liegt im Herzen der holsteinischen Schweiz vor den Toren von Eutin. Klein

Without superlatives. Without ifs and buts. More beautiful than in the catalog. Directly at the lake. A sunny clearing. Protected by forest. Exhilaratingly quiet. Cordially maintained. Simply beautifu...

Read more on Campspace

Campspace, from 27 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Campspace applies.

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