Shared pitch in Weida #1

The place is located in a private park with an Art Deco villa. The old town and the almost 900 year old castle are just a 10 minute walk away, which means you don't have to walk for hours before you can relax! The campground is close to numerous transportation links and has something for every camper - from bike paths to swimming pools, everything is within easy reach here. After navigating our peaceful grounds (or taking advantage of one of the events we host), our individualistic clients are guaranteed not only their own space, but peace and quiet if they so desire. With larger vehicles welcome within these walls, as well as great transportation links nearby, we are ready for any need¹

Shared pitch in Weida #1Weida

Our pitch is characterized by plenty of space, quiet, good transport links, proximity to the hist. Old town, swimming pool and bike paths. The site is located in a private park with a very interesting...

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Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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