Restaurant Jägerkrug

Pitch for 10 mobiles outside Rodde. The pitch is close to the river, near the lake and close to a public transport link, making it easy to get around town without worrying about parking your car. On-site amenities include electricity and restrooms, as well as a fenced-in beer garden that can be reserved if you need more space than is available at this site. It's also just minutes from the Old Town Museum, where exhibitions are held throughout the year!¹

Restaurant JägerkrugRheine

Pitch for 10 mobile outside Rodde. The site is located near the river, near the lake, near the highway and near a restaurant. Mainly level ground, no shade. Paved and ...

Read more on roadsurfer spots

roadsurfer spots, from 12 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on roadsurfer spots applies.

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