Camping on the wild meadow in the Bavarian Forest

You want to escape from everyday life? A good place for you is our wild meadow, where children can pet animals and parents enjoy breakfast in a forest environment. Various mountains of the Bavarian Forest are waiting to be explored on foot or by bike on one of the many mountain trails! The Bavarian National Park invites visitors to hike with its wide trails that lead them through different landscapes.¹

Camping on the wild meadow in the Bavarian ForestJandelsbrunn

Our wild meadow belongs to our vacation farm in solitary location and our property is located at 650 m altitude in the Bavarian Forest, in the well-known border triangle with Bohemia and Austria.
At t...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 29 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

Or discover these great pitches nearby:

133 km entfernt:Wir heißen dich willkommen im Almdorado! Bei uns auf der Alm sagt man „Du“ – vielleicht weil man hier etwas herzlicher und mit allem im Einklang ist. Es gibt wohl keinen anderen Ort
Zelten zwischen Chiemsee und Alpen

Campspace, from 10 €
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