Camping on the meadow orchard in East Frisia

Camping in the meadow in East Frisia is a wonderful experience. You have plenty of room for your whole family, and if you want it to be private, we can partition off an entire pasture so that only two sheep can enter at a time - so you can have your peace and quiet if you want! The view of our house from this place, which seems miles away, makes every day worthwhile - and all without you having to complain about noise or access roads, which makes life easier if something happens at night¹

Camping on the meadow orchard in East FrisiaDunum

Camping on the meadow orchard in East Frisia

We offer our meadow orchard for camping for the tent or for a small camper (eg Pössl).

The pasture part can be completely closed with a gate. It is sepa...

Read more on ZeltzuHause

ZeltzuHause, from 7 €

Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on ZeltzuHause applies.

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